Cigarette Price
The Scorecard uses the price of the most-sold brand in 2018 international dollars adjusted for purchasing power parity.
The newly released 3rd edition of the Tobacconomics Cigarette Tax Scorecard scores cigarette tax policy performance in 170 countries on a five-point scale using data from the World Health Organization's biennial Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, providing policy makers with an actionable assessment of their country's cigarette tax policy.
The Scorecard uses the price of the most-sold brand in 2018 international dollars adjusted for purchasing power parity.
The Scorecard evaluates the trend in cigarette affordability in each country by using the average annual percentage change (AAPC) in affordability over the past six years.
The Scorecard averages the scores of total tax share and excise tax share of price of the most-sold brand of cigarettes.
The Scorecard incorporates a comprehensive assessment of tax structure based on international guidelines for best practices.
The Tobacconomics Cigarette Tax Scorecard scores cigarette tax policy performance in 170 countries on a five-point scale.